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Manor Field

Infant School





Year 2

Welcome Aboard 


In Year Two, alongside their topic 'Welcome Aboard', they explored with watercolours in order to experiment with different colour combinations and to think about what they should use for their Titanic painting. The children looked at  the artist Jim McDonald. The talked about his paintings and thought about the colours he used, why he might have chosen those colors and how he used mixtures of colour to create more realistic sky/sea. The children used the watercolours to experiment with mixing paints and how different colours make them lighter and darker.  

Our Wonderful World 


In Year 2 the children have been focussing on 'Our Wonderful World'. They have been looking at the book '10 Things I can do to help my world' and have been discussing what they can do to conserve the planet.


The children have created sculptures using clay to represent nature and have also drawn beautiful detailed pictures of their take on a 'perfect' world.




Here are some photos of their lovely artwork:
