Manor Field
Infant School
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Personal Development Learning Statement
At Manor Field Infant School we believe in nurturing children to become confident, successful, collaborative, responsible and respectful individuals with high aspirations and a love of learning. We understand that children’s health, well-being and emotional and social understanding are at the heart of their ability to develop into successful learners.
Our children are given a voice as Little Stars in the School Council, while they take on responsibilities for their environment and each other as Headteacher Helpers, Playground Pals and Young Interpreters. These all form an important part of the culture of our school with the children at the centre, driving their own learning and experiencing democracy and community. Our British Values and School Values enable children to become global citizens who embrace, value and celebrate challenge and diversity.
Our PSHE curriculum is underpinned by our Rights Respecting ethos and culture and encompasses Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) learning and Citizenship. This is delivered through the promotion of our STAR values (Success, Teamwork, Aspiration and Respect), linked to Rights Respecting Education, and is taught via the evidence-based Jigsaw© programme from EYFS through to Year 2. For more information on the Jigsaw programme, please visit the following website:
We are happy to introduce our Jigsaw friends below (from left to right) -
Jack (looked after by Butterfly and Bumblebee)
Jerrie the Cat and Jenie (Ladybird and Caterpillar)
Jo (Firefly and Dragonfly)