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Manor Field

Infant School





Home Reading

Supporting and Developing your Child's Reading Skills

“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” - Dr. Seuss

Home Reading 



We want children to create a strong orthographic map. This means that they learn sounds spelt by the letters or groups of letters in each word. To read fluently, or well, we need a strong orthographic map. To consistently recognise that the <ea> in bread spells /e/ we need to read it at least 4 times. This means we need to read the word many times to build fluency for reading.


Your child will bring home a phonically decodable book matched to the sounds they have been learning in the classroom. They will also be assigned 2 e-books from the Oxford Owl website. Share these books with your child and write a short comment in their green reading record book. Your child's Oxford Owl log in can be found in their reading record book. Please speak to your child's teacher if you do not have one.


In particular, we want your child to practise reading one book (either the phonically decodable book or e-book) 4 times across the week, working on these skills:


  • decoding - the process of working out how to say (‘‘sounding out’’) a written word.
  • fluency - quickly recognising the sounds within a word to read with appropriate speed and accuracy.
  • expression - reading with feeling and intonation (not sounding like a robot!). An example of this is if your child is reading a question, they need to make their voice sound like they are asking a question.

Please note, reading record diaries are monitored weekly and we have an expectation that you read with your child at home at least 5 times a week.

Tasks for any book
