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Manor Field

Infant School





Summer 1: Castle Quest!

Castle Quest is a topic which focuses around our trip to Portchester Castle.

The children will learn about castles and their structures before their trip, and then write recounts of this day. 

We will also use the story The Clockwork Dragon as our text, a fun adventure story about Max and Lizzie, two creative and brave children who decide to build a clockwork dragon to defeat Flamethrottle! The children will be inspired to write their own stories and create their own clay dragon's eye in Art.

Introduction to The Clockwork Dragon

THE CLOCKWORK DRAGON, a picture book by Jonathan Emmett & Elys Dolan, published by Oxford University Press The Kingdom of Rodney is being terrorised by Flamethrottle the dragon. Fortunately Max, a young toymaker, and Lizzie, an armourer, are more than a match for this man-eating monster and the two of them come up with a clever plan to drive it away.
