Manor Field
Infant School
Get in Touch
We have strong links with our on site pre school and work closely with Manor Field Junior school to ensure smooth and successful transitions. All INSET days are joint with the schools sharing staff and resources. Pupils have opportunities to familiarise themselves with the school through visits, share sporting activities and class swaps. Starlings pre school uses the school site and hall to aid familiarisation of our school setting.
Transition between Year Groups from Foundation Stage to Year 2
At Manor Field Infant School we all work together to ensure that the transition to the next year group is a smooth and enjoyable process. To help with transition we keep children in the same classes throughout Infant school so they have already established firm friendships groups. During the summer term teachers will ensure the children are informed of new routines and are aware of the new expectations for the year group they are moving up to.
Teacher meeting – teachers meet to discuss the children as part of transfer.
Playtimes and lunchtimes – All children in the school interact at lunch times, giving them time to get to know other pupils and all the staff.
Teacher visits – All teachers will have the opportunity to visit the children in their own classes. This helps the teachers to see how the children work in a familiar setting and allows the children to familiarise themselves with their new class teacher.
Class swap sessions – The children visit their new teacher in their new classroom and environment at the end of the Summer term.
Parent meeting – During an open afternoon in the Summer term parents will have the opportunity to meet their child’s new teacher and to ask any questions or discuss any worries they may have.
Whole School Learning Days – Throughout the year classes visit other classrooms and teachers to experience a specific area of the curriculum. This gives the children the opportunity to meet all the teachers and learn within all the classroom environments.
Below are the websites to Manor Field Junior School and Starlings Preschool.