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Manor Field

Infant School







Children in Year 1 and Year 2 come into school wearing their PE kit on their specified PE days. During the colder months your child will need to wear navy jogging bottoms and their school jumper.


Children in Foundation Stage will keep their PE kits in schools as changing for PE helps them develop self-help, independence and fine motor skills.


PE days for Years 1 and 2 are as follows:

  • Year 1 - Wednesday & Thursday
  • Year 2 - Tuesday & Wednesday

Policy, Curriculum Provision and Skills Progression


The Foundation Stage 


In the Foundation Stage we relate the physical education aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals, which underpin the curriculum planning.  We give all the children the opportunity to develop their confidence and control of the way they move and the way they handle equipment and tools. All children are provided with the opportunity to undertake activities that offer appropriate physical challenge, both indoors and outdoors using a wide range of resources to support specific skills. 



Key Stage 1


In Key Stage 1 children receive skills training to develop their basic movements including: running, jumping, throwing and catching. Through the ‘Real PE’ programme, fundamental skills – Agility, Balance and Coordination are taught and perfected using schemes of work.  During ‘Movin Monkeez’ children can build upon these skills and also perform dances using simple pattern movements often linked with the current project.

Real PE



A central focus of the ‘real PE’ schemes of work is to help all children become physically literate by developing their Fundamental Movement Skills.  These are the building blocks that underpin the ability to play and be involved in many different sports and activities and it is therefore essential that every child masters these skills.  In addition, the ability to move confidently and effectively can assist children to undertake everyday challenges, play, learn more effectively and particularly successful in Physical Education and Sport.

(Real PE, Create Development)

PE Kit 

What we've been doing in PE....

Foundation Stage 

                               Year 1

                                Year 2  

Movin Monkeez


Every Tuesday Becky Lane attends Manor Field Infant School to lead a Movin Monkeez session for each class. Movin Monkeez introduces fitness, dance and healthy living to all children. The focus on using props such as scarves, balls, beanbags, instruments and balancing equipment.


The children explore different movement exercises to fun and stimulating music whilst working in groups and pairs.  All sessions are linked to the current project that is being taught in the classrooms.  During the dance sessions, Becky creates a tailored dance which is gradually built up over the weeks with the children practising and perfecting their movements.       
