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Manor Field

Infant School





Prevent Strategy

Prevent Strategy

A key part of the government's counter-terrorism strategy is called 'Prevent'. The aim is to prevent radicalisation of any individual, and to positively promote what it means to be British, in order to create a cohesive society that lives out British values, whatever the origins or ethnicity of individuals.


How do we do our part in both preventing radicalisation, and promoting British Values?

  • We take great pride in developing our children's Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development.

  • We ensure that our safeguarding practices are kept up-to-date, and our policy and training covers the different aspects of the 'Prevent Strategy'.

  • We are ensuring that our pupils are able to think critically using curriculum opportunities.

  • We teach about different religions.

  • Assemblies focus on our Learning Values, which inherently promote British Values.

  • We challenge and act strongly on any form of racism or prejudice, either by adults or children.

  • We provide strong emotional and pastoral support.

See below documents for more information on the Prevent Strategy
