Manor Field
Infant School
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English at Manor Field Infant School

At Manor Field Infant School, our goal is to deliver our pupils a high quality and engaging English curriculum. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum, centered around the use of quality literature and first hand experiences to bring learning to life. We believe reading is the gateway to learning, giving our children the skills to effectively communicate thier ideas and emotions, as well as becoming successful learners. We aspire for excellence and encourage all pupils, whatever their ability or starting point, to achieve the best they possibly can. We are passionate about reading and we aim to share this passion with our children.
Using a well planned sequence of English lessons, children are supported to become independent writers, guiding them to draw on their knowledge of phonics, grammar and reading to aid this. They are given ample opportunities to produce outcomes for a range of audiences and purposes.
Speaking and Listening
Speaking and listening are the building blocks of literacy. We understand the importance of 'talk' through the school and how this can support in building confidence, effective communication and creating ideas. Drama is often used as a tool to develop listening and communication skills as well as a stimulus for appropriate writing activities.
Phonics is taught daily across the school following the 'Essential Letters and Sounds' (ELS) programme. Each Phonics session includes both reading and writing activities.
Children are given one phonically decodable book to take home, as well as being assigned 2 online e-books. These match the sounds that are being taught in class. The books are swapped for a new book every Friday and children are encouraged to re-read their books 4 times a week. This gives the opportunity to build fluency and expression.
Pupils are assessed in Week 5 of every half term to ensure they are making progress. This informs your child's teacher of the next steps required to continue supporting them in their reading journey. Year 1 complete the Phonic Screening Check (PSC) in June and those that do not reach the expected level will be required to retake the PSC again in Year 2.
Spelling and Grammar
Spelling is a complex skill and we aim to support the children in using their phonics knowledge to spell common patterned words as well as effective strategies to spell irregular and high frequency words correctly.
Grammar is taught explicitly and the children learn the technical terms alongside activities to practise and refine their knowledge and skills.
Handwriting needs to be a natural and implicit activity so that children can focus on the content and structure of their writing. Pupils are given support with their fine motor development to aid their handwriting skill if required.
Year Group Text Overviews