Manor Field
Infant School
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Prior Learning
Year 2
This year Jigsaw Jo supported the children in thinking about and setting dreams and goals for the future. The children thought about their strengths as learners and how these can help them achieve targets in learning. They then set themselves targets - ideas generated included learning to tie shoelaces, reading 10 times in a week, riding a bike without stabilizers, and improving handwriting.
We subsequently discussed how the children got on with these goals and how they felt when they achieved them. Children explained that they had worked hard and did not give up, even when things became tricky.
In our final session (photographed below), our learning culminated in the children setting long term goals for their future - we had Lego Architects, Footballers, Teachers, Dancers, even a goal on one day climbing a mountain!
We look forward to seeing many Manor Field Infants School children achieving these feats in the future!